In America

by The Charlie Daniels Band

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 5:49 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


Full Moon

Song Author

Daniels, Crain, Digregoro, Edwards, Hayward and Marshall

File Size

97 KB




Well the ea-gles been fly-in slow and the flags been fly-in low and a-lot of peo-ple saying that Amer-icas fix-in to fall but spea-k-in just for me and some peo-ple from Tenn-e-ssee well we got a thi-ng or two to tell yo-u a-ll this la-dy may have stum-bled but she aint nev-er fell and if the Russ-ians dont believe that they can all go straight to he-ll we're gonna put her feet back on the path of right-eous-ness and then go-d bl-ess A-mer-i-ca a-gain and you never did think that it would ever hap-pen a-gain in A-mer-ic-a did you? and you never did think that we'd ev-er get to-gether a-gain well we damn sure fooled you wer'e walkin real proud and wer'e talkin real loud a-gain in A-mer-ic-a and you nev-er did think it would ever happen a-gai-n from the sound up in long is-land out to San Fran-si-co bay and ev-ery-thi-ng that is be-tween them is our o-wn and we may ha-ve done a little bit of fightin mon-gst our-sel-ves but you o-ut-side pe-ople best lea-ve us a-lo-ne cause we'll all stick toget-her and you can take that to the bank thats the cow-boys and the hip-pies and the reb-els and the ya-nks you just go and lay your hand on a Pitts-burg Ste-el-er fan and I thi-nk yo-ur gonna find he un-der-stands and you never did think that it would ever hap-pen a-gain in A-mer-ic-a did you? and you never did think that we'd ev-er get to-gether a-gain well we damn sure fooled you wer'e walkin real proud and wer'e talkin real loud a-gain in A-mer-ic-a and you nev-er did think it would ever happen a-gai-n and you never did think that it would ever hap-pen a-gain in A-mer-ic-a did you? and you never did think that we'd ev-er get to-gether a-gain well we damn sure fooled you wer'e walkin real proud and wer'e talkin real loud a-gain in A-mer-ic-a and you nev-er did think it would ever happen a-gai-n